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Florida News

10 states Floridians want to move to in 2024

A recent survey conducted by a moving company named MoveBudda found that Florida remains among the most popular states for reaction, but it’s also seeing an increase in the number of residents seeking to relocate. According to the The moveBuddha 2023-2024 Florida Migration Report. the following states rank among the top 10 states desired for relocation:

  1. Texas
  2. New York
  3. California
  4. North Carolina
  5. Georgia
  6. Pennsylvania
  7. Tennesse
  8. Virginia
  9. Massachusetts
  10. Colorado

Here’s a link to the report 

Other big takeaways:

  • Homes cost nearly 150% more than they did in 2020. Home values in Florida are up 47%, from $263K in 2020 to $388K in 2023. That’s more than in any other state.
  • New York and California dominate inflow — together they represent 20% of all out-of-state moves into Florida. They’ve done this for 3 years in a row. Inflow from these states is likely contributing to the increase in home values.
  • More moves are headed out. Moves are still coming into Florida, but an increased number are looking to move out, too, narrowing the difference between the inflow and outflow.  
    2021: 210 moves into the state for every 100 out
    2023: 124 moves into the state for every 100 out

moveBuddha, utilizes data from their Moving Cost Calculator which tracks real-time moving inquiries across the U.S. Their team has looked at historical data from past years alongside Census data to verify that there is a positive correlation between the two datasets. The real-time nature of moveBuddha’s data collection provides predictive insights into what trends will happen in the near future.


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