To warn Floridians about the dangers of illicit fentanyl laced in counterfeit pills, last week, state Attorney General Ashley Moody launched the One Pill Can Kill webpage located on the Dose of Reality Florida website.
Synthetic opioids, like fentanyl, are flooding the nation’s illicit drug market—wreaking havoc by causing overdoses and killing more than 71,000 Americans in 2021. Unfortunately, this wave has hit Florida. Moody’s new One Pill Can Kill webpage provides Floridians with quick access to information about fentanyl regarding these deadly drugs and how to spot and avoid these lethal substances.
“Fentanyl is the deadliest substance we have ever seen permeate the illicit drug market. It is flooding across the southwest border in record amounts and killing tens of thousands of Americans every year. It is hidden in other illicit substances and sold to unsuspecting users—often with deadly consequences. To help raise awareness and hopefully save lives, I am launching our new One Pill Can Kill webpage that is full of information and resources to help people avoid this deadly drug,” Moody said.
The One Pill Can Kill webpage includes life-saving information on the following topics:
Types of illicit drugs that could contain synthetic opioids;
Prevalence of these substances in the illicit drug market;
Action taken to stop the influx of fentanyl from Mexico; and
How to spot addiction before it is too late.