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Biden Failed to Explain to Americans Why He is Not Running Again – Opinion

President Joe Biden addressed the country and spoke for only about eleven minutes and though he touted his list of accomplishments and voiced a vote of confidence for Vice President Kamala Harris, he failed to share why he decided to not run again other than it was time for “new voices.”

One would be able to believe him if only he had listened to fellow Democrats who had to come out of the woodwork for months now to push him out of his reelection effort. Consequently, he has positioned his Party at a distinct disadvantage by backing out so extremely late in the election process.

This campaign speech was Biden’s last gasp to try and repair his reputation and, thus, his legacy. It really does not matter what he thinks his successes have been because Americans have resolutely condemned his Presidency when 71% were pleased that he decided to drop out of the race.

Allegedly, he had COVID, yet he looked tan and spoke in his normal raspy voice. As is common he messed up his teleprompter speech four separate times.

President Biden claimed that he would always “tell the truth,” but Americans know that he failed that simple test, if for no other reason than he allowed his inner circle, family, and hangers-on to delude him into thinking that he could run again. They knew he should not, but they all had something to gain by keeping him out of sight, with very few press conferences, picking favored reporters, and limiting his contact with average Americans.

He lied to all of us.

Vice President Harris lied to us.

First Lady Jill Biden lied to us.

The Biden-Harris Administration lied to us.

To think that by anointing Harris as his chosen successor, with the clear permission and support of Hollywood elites, radical Left-Wing progressives, and a Chicago-style smoke-filled room, she will win the election is the biggest lie of all – to Democrats.

Because it is not about who is leading our country, it is about the disastrous policies that we have all had to endure since his election.

It started on Day One when he overrode all of President Donald Trump’s border policies and opened the floodgates to illegal aliens, which manifested a renewed and despicable fentanyl crisis with hundreds of thousands of deaths, the separation of immigrant children from their families, the wholesale human trafficking by the American government to points all across the country to secret local airports at midnight, and worst of all allowed terrorists from ISIS, China, Venezuela, and almost every country in the world to enter our country and now committing heinous crimes on us every day.

The idea that Biden in the next six months is going to significantly alter the alleged climate crisis, meet his goal of a moonshot victory over cancer, or pass any kind of Supreme Court reform is laughable and impossible. His last months are going to be just like the last three and half years of no cogent foreign policy, appeasement with Iran, even as our European allies fought against him, his miscues in Ukraine that enticed Putin to invade, his lack of any military response to Hamas and let them go unscathed by American forces even though they have held American hostages for over two hundred days, and also allowing China to intimidate every day the country of Taiwan.

The administrations foreign policy has been on the par with England’s Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain – appeasement. America has not projected strength, not one time since he took office. We all know that Democrats are weak on defense and this President has put us on our knees and made us look weak and ineffective to our enemies.

Our economy has gone down precipitously because the Democrat’s answer to every problem is more money from the government. When economic advisors told him that the dumping of trillions of dollars into the economy too fast would beget inflation, his Treasury Secretary said it would be transitory.

Despite Biden’s cherry-picking of some economic statistics in his televised speech, Americans overwhelmingly believe that the country  is going in the wrong direction and that has been the case for years. As his favorable numbers plummeted he and his staff told us that what we were seeing and feeling was not real. Their fantasy life of everything is good in our country is the number one real reason he is not running again.

And yet the Democrats believe, in their heart – not their mind, that by changing horses once you have already crossed the stream, is the answer.

It is not.

Harris is an incompetent official who represents the epitome of the Peter Principal – she has risen to the top not by merit but by chance. Her choice was always a bad one, but Biden locked himself in when he won South Carolina and promised Cong. Jim Clyburn that he would pick an African American woman as his number two.

The demographics that have run away from the fallacious Democratic policies will continue to run away, even as the Biden administration tried to buy their votes by forgiving their college loans, and that still has not worked. Because while many young people in their 20’a are still living with their parents, they know that college loans are not the problem, it is the interest rates and the lack of meaningful jobs that make their future nothing more than a hollow dream.

Hispanics are not going to return to the Democrats because they left failing countries and they work hard but it is difficult for them to harbor the vision that their children will be better off then they are now. They want to save democracy by voting their pocketbook and supporting President Trump.

African Americans are not going to return because they enjoyed a better life, a more fruitful life, when President Trump was in office, when their unemployment numbers were lower than ever before. 

Trump understands the mindset of working Americans. They do not want electric vehicles rammed down their throat. They do not want expensive gasoline prices because we are too stupid to access the natural resources that our country already possess. They do not want crime that is so bad that shopping centers in major urban areas are killing fields and robbery sweepstakes.

Harris will enjoy a temporary bump in the polls, but the Democratic convention will be an unmitigated disaster – both inside and out –  because it is being held in a Blue state with a Blue mayor who values illegal immigrants more that he does his own voters. I predict that Trump will secure an unheard-of percentage of African American votes, more than any other Republican has ever secured.

Biden did not pass the torch to a new generation; he dropped the baton and then kicked it to Harris. American voters know when they are being misled, and the policies of the Biden-Harris administration have been useless. We all know that we are worse off than we were four years ago.

Barney Bishop III is a former executive director of the Florida Democratic Party, and former chief executive officer of Associated Industries of Florida. He owns Barney Bishop Consulting, a strategic public affairs firm based in Tallahassee, and he can be reached at


  • Barney Bishop III

    Barney Bishop III is a former executive director of the Florida Democratic Party and is the former CEO of Associated Industries of Florida,‭ ‬known as‭ “‬The Voice of Florida Business.‭ ‬He is currently the CEO of Barney Bishop Consulting,‭ ‬LLC in Tallahassee and can be reached at‭ ‬

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