In May, the White House announced President Joe Biden would be visiting certain cities and states and wanted media events with some Republican mayors to promote the president’s infrastructure package.
The Hill recently reported that Biden has visited several key swing districts and states over the past month to help fend off what any potential GOP gains in the U.S. House next year.
With polls showing overwhelming support from both sides on an infrastructure package, the Biden White House wants to capitalize on that issue and try to help Democrats in 2022.
“When the president and Democrats are on the campaign trail, relating to families how Democrats looked out for them during COVID by supporting $1,400 stimulus checks, who could argue against that?” a Democratic operative told Florida Daily.
Biden plans on campaigning in some districts that went for then-President Donald Trump in 2020.
Democrats point out that Biden’s likability numbers are not as bad as his old boss former President Barack Obama. They say Biden is in a better position than Obama was during his first midterm when Republicans scored big wins in 2010.
Republican strategist Doug Heye weighed in on the matter. “Biden is not toxic in the way that Hillary and Obama were toxic,” he said.
Heye said that people who disapprove of Biden don’t have a visceral hatred of him as they might have for Obama or former U.S. Sec. of State Hillary Clinton.
The Republican National Committee (RNC) insisted that the GOP is reading noting that history, congressional redistricting and polls point in its direction for 2022. Normally, the president’s party loses seats in midterms while redistricting should help the GOP in key states like Texas, Florida and North Carolina. Recent polls show Biden is not doing well when voters are asked about spending, immigration, crime and the size of the federal government.
Reach Ed Dean at [email protected].