On Monday, U.S. Rep. Charlie Crist, D-Fla., released a letter he sent over on Thursday to U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., the chairwoman of the U.S. House Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Subcommittee, requesting a congressional hearing on family housing in military installations.
Crist voiced his continued concern for the health and safety of military families, including those residing at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, as they suffer from unsafe living conditions in poorly maintained family housing. Crist has been focused on military housing reform after reports about serious issues with privately managed on-base housing, including mold and other health hazards, that are putting military families at risk.
The full letter is below:
Dear Chairwoman Wasserman Schultz,
I request a hearing in the House Appropriations Committee, Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Subcommittee on family housing on military installations. Military families around the country, including at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, FL, continue to suffer from mold and other health hazards in poorly maintained and neglected family housing. I understand the military has taken actions to improve oversight and accountability of privatized housing. However, I remain concerned and more must be done.
Under your steadfast leadership, the MilCon-VA Subcommittee conducted its first hearing of the 116th Congress on this topic, and I support your continued attention to this critical issue. As we approach the FY2021 budget cycle, I believe our Committee’s oversight responsibilities would be bolstered by another hearing, with witnesses appropriate for conducting proper oversight.
Thank you so much for your leadership fighting for safe housing for servicemembers and their families. I look forward to continuing to work together on this issue.
Charlie Crist