U.S. Rep. Dan Webster, R-Fla., is back a resolution “pushing back against the labeling of attempts by parents to ensure school curriculum and sports are age and sex appropriate as extreme.”
U.S. Rep. Lisa McClain, R-Mich., introduced the resolution “that defends parents and parental rights” last week with Webster as one of the co-sponsors.
Webster weighed in on why he was backing the resolution and used the moment to showcase his record on education during his political career which has spanned more than four decades.
“Moms and Dads should not be intimidated from having a voice and choice in their child’s education,” said Webster. “This resolution makes it clear the U.S. House of Representatives supports parents’ right to have a say in their children’s education and pushes back against the attempts to label parental rights groups as ‘anti-government extremists.’ From passing Florida’s first school choice bill and giving parents a strong voice in their child’s education, I will always stand with students and parents.”
The resolution was sent to the U.S. House Education and the Workforce Committee.