Some analysts believe the abortion issue may not hurt Donald Trump in Florida but could affect Florida republicans on the down ballot in 2024.
After the former president came out with his latest position on the abortion, Florida Democrats are hoping this will have a negative effect on the reelection chances of incumbent Republican Florida Senator Rick Scott.
Senator Scott is on board with Trump’s views on the issue. He supports letting the states decided abortion laws.
“We’ve got to have some reasonable limitations” on abortion as determined by states,” Scott said.
The media reports that the issue “reflects sharp divides among Republicans.” While it is true Trump’s stance may have angered some in the prolife community, these same groups also say they will stick with Trump compared to Biden.
Democrats feel this is their main issue to take out Senator Scott. But agreeing with Trump isn’t the only path Florida Democrats will try to attack the Senator on.
In 2016, when Scott was then governor, he signed legislation that would impose restrictions on Florida abortion clinics.
The bill he signed restricts state government agencies, local governments and Medicaid managed-care plans from contracting with groups that own, operate or are affiliated with clinics that perform elective abortions.
Scott also said he supported the 6-week abortion ban that Gov. Ron DeSantis signed into law last year. ‘If I was still governor, I would sign this bill,’ said Scott.
But the Senators position on being prolife has been consistent since he first ran for governor back in 2010.
With the latest party registration numbers, its shows that republicans have a huge lead compared to the democrats by over 900,000 in the state. And the GOP is banking the wide margin will benefit Scott in November.
The same analyst also tells Florida Daily that the abortion amendment could pass with 60% of the vote while at the same time Floridians could send Scott back to the U.S. Senate for another 6 years.