Farm Share, one of Florida’s leading food nonprofits and the state’s largest independent food bank, has reached a landmark in its Hurricane Ian relief efforts by donating 1.76 million pounds of food, water, blankets, non-perishable food products, cleaning supplies, and general disaster relief aid to affected communities across Florida.
This represents 38 semitruck loads and 12 box trucks worth of aid.
“I am proud of my teams’ willingness to put in long hours and work through the weekends to make sure those persons affected by Hurricane Ian have what they need to survive and recover,” said Farm Share’s CEO Stephen Shelley. “We will continue our relief efforts for as long as it is needed and the resources are available to respond.”
Hurricane Ian relief aid from Farm Share has gone to Collier, Lee, Charlotte, Sarasota, Desoto, Hardee, Orange, Flagler, Union and Monroe Counties.
In addition to relief efforts, the nonprofit organization is continuing its normal operations at statewide warehouses to make sure that all agencies and food-insecure individuals continue to have access to proper resources. Farm Share plans to continue relief operations as long as it is needed.