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Florida Daily Investigations: David vs. Goliath: Florida Contractor Fights Back Against Baseless Fraud Allegations

A general contractor and roofer in Florida finds himself in the crosshairs of Florida’s largest residential insurance company and government authorities alleging fraudulent activities.

In a shocking turn of events, a general contractor and roofer in Florida finds himself in the crosshairs of Florida’s largest residential insurance company and government authorities alleging fraudulent activities.

The contractor, a David in this modern-day tale, is vehemently denying the allegations and claims that information has been manipulated to tarnish his reputation.

Sources familiar with the story tell Florida Daily, Tower Hill Insurance has continuously suppressed documents and has taken a dishonest position in litigation in order to protect their bottom line and additionally to provide the state with a one-sided case.

At the center of this is Ricky McGraw Jr., a contractor who assists with reconstruction after Florida residents are ravaged by natural disasters, is now facing a daunting legal battle against a Goliath insurance company, which alleges that he committed fraud in his estimating of construction projects.

According to McGraw, the issues arose when Tower Hill realized how many construction projects his company had with their insureds. He says in an effort to either slow him down, or put him out of business completely, Tower Hill first came after him and his family with Civil RICO allegations.

After a nearly four-year legal battle, Tower Hill has yet to be successful in its attempts, so now they are working hand-in-hand with the state to pursue criminal fraud charges.

These attempts to slow down a company that has helped thousands within the state of Florida during multiple hurricanes show that the politicians in charge are more concerned with protecting the big insurance company’s pocketbook than they are with helping citizens get their properties restored after a storm.

Tower Hill’s position is that not giving the insurance company confidential internal financials is tantamount to fraud, and that should concern everyone who conducts business in the state of Florida.  When the government starts setting pricing and regulating margins, we lose our capitalism and democracy.

Throughout these trying times, McGraw maintains his innocence, stating that the accusations are nothing more than a calculated attempt to discredit him and ruin his business.

McGraw says this effort has had a serious chilling effect on his business and the majority of his relationships that he spent years building. “I have always operated with honesty and integrity in my work. These allegations are not just false; they are an attack on my livelihood and the reputation I’ve built over the years,” McGraw declares.

McGraw’s legal team is working tirelessly to expose what they believe is a case of manipulation and misinformation orchestrated by the insurance company as well as the state. Other legal experts are closely watching the developments, as they believe the outcome of this case could set a precedent for future disputes between small businesses and large corporations.


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