The cultural phenomenon known as “Florida Man” evolved from decades of Florida crime news stories that were bizarre enough to make national headlines. In response to Florida Man’s growing popularity, a new online trend called “The Florida Man Challenge” is taking social media by storm.
According to various sources including the Tampa Bay Times, the challenge originated on Tumblr, where a user who goes by the name @gandlfsoda challenged other users to Google “Florida man” plus their birthday. Below are some of the most popular responses:
this idea came from @ gandalfsoda on tumblr!!!
— swervin merv (@g_pratimaaa) March 20, 2019
#floridamanchallenge (September 14th)
— Pan_Cakey (@Pan_Cakey) March 21, 2019
Here’s my #FloridaMan . Reply with yours 😭
— sean (@seanykilleen) March 21, 2019
#floridamanchallenge 😂😂 I love this challenge so much
— Sarah702 (@VegasMaypops) March 21, 2019
It was a good birthday. #floridamanchallenge
— Curtis LeBlanc (@curtiswleblanc) March 21, 2019
I got this #FloridaManChallenge
— RandomThings (@RandomThongsOF1) March 22, 2019