Florida’s state government is flush with $20 billion dollars in reserve. The state government anticipates another $13 billion next year in reserves for a total of $33 billion for the rainy day fund.
Historically, $5 to $10 billion was enough to ensure adequate funds for hurricanes and natural catastrophes. What are elected officials doing with so much money? Those elected officials are so generous with our money that they are reducing or eliminating the sales tax on gasoline for a brief period. They are also reducing the sales tax on a variety of items that is almost impossible to remember.
Of course, Floridians have to buy items to receive the benefit. How gracious of our elected officials.
Instead of offering more sales tax holidays and other gimmicks, elected officials should return the money to the taxpayers.
Offering families these refunds–be it $1,000, $2,000 or $3,000–would be far more efficient and help residents of the Sunshine State. These kinds of refunds would also reduce the bloated rainy day fund.