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Florida on Burglars’ Radar During the Busy Holiday Season

Florida holds the top spot for Christmas season burglary rates, a study by a law firm reveals.

Law firm Ladah Injury & Car Accident Lawyers conducted an extensive analysis of burglary incidents across U.S. states using data collected from the FBI’s Crime Data Explorer. This research, focused on burglary incidents during December (the Christmas season) represents an average calculated over four years (December 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023) to identify the states with the highest risk of burglary per 100,000 residents.

The numbers show Florida is the state with the highest burglary rates during the holiday season.

According to the data, Florida ranks first in the nation, with 88.5 burglary incidents per 100,000 people, almost four times the national average of 22.5. The Sunshine State averages approximately 19,526.25 incidents per year during the month of December between 2020 and 2023.

“Florida homes are almost twice as likely to be struck by a burglary attempt during the Christmas season as compared to Washington, Oklahoma, and New Mexico. So, homeowners should secure their properties, install outdoor lighting systems, and collaborate with neighbors to monitor any suspicious activity,” said the study.

New Hampshire is least prone to burglaries during the Christmas season with 4.4 burglary incidents per 100,000 people in December between 2020 and 2023.

A Closer Look at the Top 10 States for Burglary Incidents

Florida — 88.5 burglary incidents per 100,000 people

Washington — 46.6 burglary incidents per 100,000 people

Oklahoma — 45.0 burglary incidents per 100,000 people

New Mexico — 41.0 burglary incidents per 100,000 people

Arkansas — 39.3 burglary incidents per 100,000 people

Louisiana — 38.5 burglary incidents per 100,000 people

Nevada — 34.9 burglary incidents per 100,000 people

Colorado — 33.1 burglary incidents per 100,000 people

North Carolina — 31.8 burglary incidents per 100,000 people

South Carolina — 31.5 burglary incidents per 100,000 people

Below is the table of extended results


Average Population 2020,21,22,23

Average Dec. Burglary 2020,21,22,23

Average Dec. Burglary per 100,000 people



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