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Florida ranked #17th in State Resident Pride

Flag of State of Florida

January 25th is officially National Florida Day, a day which celebrates the “Sunshine State.”

According to a recent survey by PlayStar, Florida ranks among the top 20 states for resident pride.

PlayStar surveyed 1,150 Americans to discover the chances of feeling proud of where you live and work. Florida residents officially made the top 20!

Please find out more about this study HERE.

Florida-specific statistics

  • Overall, 40% of Florida residents are proud of where they live and work
  • The weather was unsurprisingly listed as the top reason why 24% are proud to be from ‘The Sunshine State’. This was followed by the friendly people (14%) and the culture (12%).
  • Living Affordability was listed as the top factor that two in five residents who aren’t proud to live in Florida would change about the state.

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