This week, fiscal watchdog Florida TaxWatch (FTW) offered recommendations made by its COVID-19 Taxpayer Task Force to help the Sunshine State’s economy recover.
FTW launched the task force back in 2010 and it released its recommendations on Thursday.
“Made up of public policy professionals, tax and budget experts, and leaders of both small and large businesses, the task force was established to identify those areas of state tax policy that could be addressed both immediately and in the long term to provide Florida’s businesses—and their employees and customers—appropriate relief and assistance,” FTW noted.
“Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in our state, Florida TaxWatch has worked vigorously to develop and propose constructive policy recommendations to guide Florida forward and ensure the best possible response to the fiscal uncertainty presented by this crisis. It was with this mission in mind that Florida TaxWatch convened our state’s top minds on tax policy and fiscal stewardship in May 2020 and established the COVID-19 Taxpayer Task Force to develop comprehensive policy solutions to address the short and long-term economic impacts of COVID-19,” said Dominic Calabro, the president and CEO of FTW.
“Today, we are proud to announce the thoughtful policy recommendations of this task force which put forward proposals focused on protecting the wellbeing of the taxpayer and positioning Florida for a strong and sustained recovery. It is the work of this group and others such as the Associated Industries of Florida, Florida Retail Federation, National Federation of Independent Business and Florida Restaurant & Lodging Association’s RESET Task Force that will propel Florida forward and ensure its long-term success and prosperity,” Calabro added.
Former state Sen. Pat Neal, the chairman of FTW, also weighed in on the recommendations.
“For more than 40 years Florida TaxWatch has served as the eyes and ears of taxpayers, fighting every day to protect their interests and the fiscal strength of our beloved state. Today, we continue this important work and proudly present the recommendations of our COVID-19 Taxpayer Task Force to Governor DeSantis, the Cabinet, the Florida Legislature, and the Florida Department of Revenue for consideration as we work together to get Florida back on its feet,” Neal said.
The task force made almost 30 recommendations on taxes and economic recovery.
Reach Kevin Derby at [email protected].