According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the Sunshine State has been the fastest growing state in the nation over the past decade.
Since 2010, Florida has grown thanks to more than 1.16 million residents from other states.
Some may attribute Florida’s success of being the top state over the decade due to its weather but the Wall Street Journal notes there are other factors leading to the growing population, including residents of some states looking to escape higher taxes.
The article notes one of the main contributing factors why Florida has done so well with new residents is because of the Sunshine State’s robust economy, thanks in part to a healthy tax climate. Florida is one of the few states with no income tax.
Other low tax states are also benefiting. Over the last year, states like Nevada, Arizona, Texas, Washington, Utah and Colorado were among the states with more growth population and saw some of the fastest job growth. Half of these states do not have any state income taxes.
The Census Bureau noted in the past two years. Texas–another state with no income tax– experienced the highest population growth by followed by Florida.
States with higher income taxes, including New York and Illinois, saw a decline in their population.
“What you’re seeing has been going on for the last several years,” Jonathan Williams, the chief economist for the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and co-author of the book “Rich States, Poor States,” told Florida Daily.
Williams insisted that politics came into play when it comes to population growth and decline.
“Isnt it interesting that the numbers show the states with a decline in population growth are blue states and the states increasing are red states?” Williams said.
Experts like Williams say with the recent Trump tax cuts, this trend will likely continue as people will leave higher tax states in favor of states with a better tax climate.
Contact Ed at [email protected].