Florida Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse (CALA) just announced its annual results for the National Economic Impact Report.
According to CALA, despite significant reforms driven by Governor Ron DeSantis and the Florida Legislature, the civil justice landscape still has a long way to go.
Their report indicates Floridians pay a ‘tort tax’ on average of $1,238 per person, nearly $5,000 per family of four, as a result of frivolous lawsuits and abuses of the civil justice system.
“Floridians are being robbed daily by the ‘tort tax,’ which are the pass-through costs because of a flawed civil justice system,” said Tom Gaitens, Executive Director of Florida Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse. The abuse keeps seeping through loopholes and gaps in our system. Reform is necessary to allow Florida’s economy to glide more smoothly as is intended, with transparency and a fair civil justice system for all.”
Randy Ray, Chairman of Senior Consumers of America, agrees with Gaitens on the report.
“Florida lost numerous insurance companies before the legislature passed much-needed lawsuit reforms in 2023,” said. “Now, thanks to this legislative action, 10 of those insurers have come back to our state because excessive litigation has been reined in. The work that has been done to address lawsuit abuse in our state has been great, but I hope that our state leadership will continue to stand strong on this issue for Florida’s seniors going into this upcoming legislative session.”
The Small Business and Consumers Alliance says frivolous lawsuits are having an astronomical impact on the price of goods.
“The last thing small businesses want to do is raise their prices, but with litigation costs which will be passed to their customers,’ said Jim Kallinger, Chairman of the group.
However, some trial lawyers differ with the assessment by the groups.
Florida talk radio legal commentator Ron Davis says these organizations are always quick to blame the trial lobby.
“Are there bad actors in the legal field? said Davis. “Yes, but what these groups don’t tell you is the main reason why insurance cost has risen is because of hurricane, wind and floods, not trial attorney,”
Florida Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse says that they are pushing the state legislature to address third-party funding litigation this year.