This week, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced it will send almost $8.4 million to “build systems to end youth homelessness.”
HUD will send $8,377,776 to Orlando and Orange, Osceola and Seminole Counties. The funds are part of $83.7 million going to 17 communities across the country though HUD’s Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP) and the money will be used “to support a wide range of housing programs including rapid rehousing, permanent supportive housing, transitional housing, and host homes.”
“Placing young people experiencing homelessness into permanent housing can change the trajectory of their lives,” said U.S. HUD Sec. Marcia Fudge. “With this funding, HUD is targeting federal resources to meet local needs and support community-driven efforts to end youth homelessness and improve outcomes through stable housing and services.”
“YHDP recipients will use their funding to address youth homelessness that is specifically tailored to their needs, including funding for housing units, wrap-around services, and housing support. YHDP will also support youth-focused performance measurement and coordinated entry systems. Over the next several months, selected communities will work with their youth advisory boards, child welfare agencies, and other community partners to create a comprehensive community plan to end youth homelessness. HUD has been conducting a formal evaluation of first 10 communities who received YHDP grants. Preliminary evaluation results found that YHDP grantees made significant progress in developing youth-informed programs and systems, resulting in positive perceptions among youth of both the implementation process and available programs,” HUD noted.
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