By Florida Daily Investigations
In a plot straight out of a smash hit legal thriller, the Sunshine State is witnessing a high-stakes battle between a contracting company, SFR Services, and Florida’s largest residential insurance company, Tower Hill. The story takes a dramatic turn as documents surface showing that Tower Hill has concealed crucial evidence in property damage litigation in an attempt to underpay its insured and ruin the life of Ricky McGraw, the owner of SFR Services.
The saga began when SFR Services contracted with Rookery Pointe HOA to replace their roofs from Hurricane Irma damage. Years later SFR and Ricky McGraw have found themselves ensnared in a web of deceit spun by Tower Hill. The insurance giant accused SFR and McGraw of fraud and misrepresentation, claiming that the estimates submitted for property damage were inflated. However, the plot thickens with newly emerged evidence that Tower Hill had, in fact, obtained similar estimates from other contractors and adjusters for comparable amounts. Tower Hill’s hired adjuster, CRU, initially estimated the roof damage at a value of $86,328.28; shockingly, after Tower Hill requested a revised estimate, which was written by a different adjuster at the same company, CRU came up with roof damage at a value of $197,758.94. When Tower Hill and their attorney, Michael Monteverde, realized the second CRU estimate was close to the same amount as SFR’s, they did not produce the estimate in litigation and did not disclose it on a privilege log.
This revelation came to light after Tower Hill and Monteverde spoon fed the government specific evidence, while withholding exculpatory documentation, in order to charge McGraw with criminal insurance fraud. While the state had access to 6 estimates other than SFR’s, they chose to only include the four lowest estimates in their criminal filing so that it would appear SFR’s estimate was grossly inflated. Both the state and Tower Hill suppressed the other two estimates, close to the same amount as SFR’s, in order to make their case appear stronger. Tower Hill and Lee County are screaming fraud for SFR submitting an estimate with an actual cash value of $238,134.49, but they both had access to an estimate from Tower Hill’s adjuster with an actual cash value of $237,669.33. The difference is only $465.16, however Lee County is charging McGraw with over $100,000 in fraud due to misconstrued evidence.
The legal battle has turned into a David-and-Goliath scenario, with McGraw determined to clear his name and protect his company from what he describes as a corrupt insurance giant. The adverse ruling in the Lee County property damage case has only fueled McGraw’s resolve to uncover the extent of Tower Hill’s deceit. Legal experts predict that this case could become a landmark in exposing unscrupulous practices within the insurance industry. As the courtroom drama unfolds, questions about the integrity of Tower Hill’s actions loom large and public sentiment is turning against the insurance behemoth.
McGraw stated, “This is a blatant attempt to destroy my life and my business. Lee County and Tower Hill are playing a dangerous game with my life. But I will not stand idly by; I will fight tooth and nail to expose the truth. Suppressing evidence and manipulating the legal process should not be tolerated from the government or any company, no matter how large.”
For one of the first times in Florida’s history, the truth hidden behind Tower Hill’s carefully constructed facade is being exposed. The courtroom battles, backroom dealings, and revelations of corporate malfeasance promise to make this legal thriller an epic tale of justice, resilience, and the fight against corruption in the heart of Florida’s insurance industry. Now that this new evidence has surfaced, will Lee County do the right thing and overturn the verdict in the property damage case? Or will Tower Hill be allowed to continue to manipulate the legal system? Keep a close eye on as we continue to cover this story and provide the most up-to-date coverage possible with exclusive information published here first.