This country asks a great deal of the men and women who serve in its armed forces. That’s why it’s absolutely crucial to have a Commander-in-Chief who cherishes the military and assures them that they are always fighting for a worthy cause.
More than 1.3 million brave American heroes have died in service to our great country throughout its history. Sadly, our political leaders haven’t always honored those sacrifices as much as they deserve, and in recent years some politicians have even actively disparaged the mission of our armed forces.
Within the so-called “progressive” movement, anti-American shame takes the place of patriotism, and our fallen heroes are scorned as the pawns of oppressive colonial tyrants.
The Obama administration, for instance, was notorious for apologizing for America’s “sins,” publicly writhing with guilt over genuine acts of valor that were necessary for the preservation of our republic.
Obama apologized to France, lamenting the fact that America had ever dared to take action on behalf of its own interests without the approval of Europe. He apologized to South America, saying the U.S. was too assertive in its efforts to promote “peace and prosperity” in the Western Hemisphere. He even apologized to “the Muslim world,” saying America made “mistakes” by holding terrorists and those who harbor them accountable for their crimes.
This sort of historical revisionism isn’t merely disrespectful to our fallen heroes; it’s also a tremendous disservice to those who are currently serving.
Fortunately, our troops no longer have to endure such morale-sapping slanders, because they now have a Commander-in-Chief who sincerely respects the vital service they perform for our country, and uses both policy and protocol to make that explicitly clear.
Since taking office two-and-a-half years ago, Donald Trump has expressed unwavering support for our men and women in uniform, particularly praising the bravery of soldiers who have given their lives when the country called on them.
“Our fallen heroes have not only written our history — they’ve shaped our destiny,” he said last Memorial Day. “They saved the lives of the men and women with whom they served … They fought and bled and died so that America would forever remain safe and strong and free.”
More importantly, President Trump has refused to apologize for America on the world stage, focusing instead on all the good that has been accomplished through the judicious use of U.S. might and power.
“[I]n case you haven’t noticed, we have become a lot stronger lately,” the president said last year. “A lot. We are not going to apologize for America. We are going to stand up for America. No more apologies.”
Instead of asking the world for forgiveness, President Trump reminds the world that it owes America a debt of gratitude for carrying the torch of freedom even when the march of tyranny has seemed unstoppable. Instead of shaming our armed forces, he takes every opportunity to honor our military heroes.
The men and women who volunteer to make the ultimate sacrifice on our behalf deserve a Commander-in-Chief who supports and respects the causes for which they fight. That’s exactly what they have in President Donald Trump.
Jenna Ellis (@realJennaEllis) is a member of the Trump 2020 Advisory Board. She is a constitutional law attorney, radio host and the author of The Legal Basis for a Moral Constitution.