On Monday, in recognition of Hurricane Preparedness Week, state Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and State Fire Marshal Jimmy Patronis highlighted hurricane preparedness tips and resources to aid Floridians with their disaster plans as the 2022 Hurricane Season begins June 1st.
“The 2022 Hurricane Season is only one month away and I am urging Floridians to take advantage of the calm before the storm to prepare now! There is nothing more important than having a disaster plan in place to protect you, your family, and your home. Hurricane Preparedness Week is the perfect time to take advantage of cost savings, harden your home, and stock up on essential tax-free hurricane supplies such as batteries, flashlights, water, and much more. Business owners should also work now to prepare to weather and recover from what is expected to be another busy storm season. As we’ve seen in the past, hurricanes can intensify and develop fast, and getting prepared now can help save lives. Visit PrepareFL.com for information and resources before the next storm takes aim at Florida,” Patronis said.
Patronis offered the following “Four Hurricane Preparedness Tips:”
1. Secure flood insurance coverage. Standard homeowner’s insurance policies don’t cover flood damage. If you live in a flood-prone area, contact your agent about obtaining flood insurance. There are over 30 insurance carriers writing flood insurance in Florida’s private insurance market. Depending on your home’s location, you may qualify to enroll in the federally-administered National Flood Insurance Program.
2. Ensure you are adequately covered. The value of your home and possessions may have increased during the past several years, or you may have made improvements or purchased expensive personal items. Review your insurance policy and check your coverage limits.
3. Consider additional living expense coverage. Additional living expense features of most homeowners’ policies pay some expenses for losses that leave homes unlivable during repairs. Such expenses could include limited motel, restaurant and storage costs.
4. Do not wait until a storm approaches. Property insurance companies do not accept new applications or requests to increase coverage once a hurricane nears Florida, so it is important not to wait until a storm is imminent to verify coverages. In addition, most flood insurance policies take 30 days to go into effect, so it is vital to act now.
For additional hurricane financial preparedness tips or resources, visit PrepareFL.com.