This week, Florida Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and State Fire Marshal Jimmy Patronis highlighted Fire Prevention Week, which is observed throughout the week of October 3 – 9, 2021.
This year’s theme is “Learn the Sounds of Fire Safety!” and effectively serves to educate Floridians about the different sounds the smoke and carbon monoxide alarms make. In 2020, local fire departments responded to an estimated 1.4 million fires in the United States, which is an average of one every 23 seconds. Additionally, the CFO sponsored a resolution encouraging Floridians to participate and support the many public safety activities and efforts of Florida’s fire and emergency services.
“As state fire marshal, I’m committed to ensuring the safety of all Floridians and I’m urging you to participate in this year’s fire safety campaign by educating yourself on the different sounds of smoke and carbon monoxide alarms,” Patronis said. “Knowing what to do when an alarm sounds can mean the difference between a safe escape – and a tragedy. It’s important for you and your family to prepare now so you can prevent fire-related tragedies in the future. Stay fire safe, Florida!”
Patronis offered the following fire safety tips.
• Install smoke alarms in every bedroom. They should also be outside each sleeping area and on every level of the home. Large homes may need extra smoke alarms.
• Test all smoke alarms at least once a month. Press the test button to be sure the alarm is working.
• Make a home fire escape plan. Draw a map of your home showing all doors and windows and know at least two ways out of every room. Discuss the plan regularly with your family.
• Consider installing a bedside alert device that responds to the sounds of smoke and carbon monoxide alarms.
• Keep pathways like hallways lit with night lights and free from clutter to make sure everyone can get out safely.
For more fire safety and prevention tips, please visit