Observing National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, last week, state Rep. Kevin Chambliss, D-Homestead, presented a $500,000 check to the City of Homestead during the Council Presentation Ceremony.
The appropriation, included in this year’s state budget, was passed by the Legislature and approved by Gov. Ron DeSantis, and is allocated for breast cancer screening. As early detection and preventive measure, breast cancer screenings are encouraged and critical for women.
Chambliss was joined by Councilwoman Patricia Fairclough-Staggers, Mayor Steven Losner, and city council officials for the presentation and breast cancer awareness acknowledgments.
“I am sure most of us have had someone impacted by breast cancer or some form of cancer. Thank you to Representative Chambliss as well as his other colleagues in the state legislature to bring funding to the city of Homestead; and as a result of this Council, staff, and Representative Chambliss, we have half a million dollars to help women in this community get what they need to battle breast cancer,” said Fairclough-Staggers.
“What’s the old saying an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure? It may not be prevented, but we got 500,000 ounces of hopefully a lot of prevention or at least early detection that will lead to a lifetime cure,” said Losner.
“I sat and watched my aunt go through breast cancer. I literally saw her physically, emotionally, and even sometimes spiritually deteriorate, but for the grace of God, she survived, overcame, and now is a leading nonprofit CEO. When I think about this story and other countless stories of all the women here in this community, I am proud to work with my colleagues in securing funding to provide these lifesaving preventive services,” said Chambliss.