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Mainstream Media Deceives Americans, but the Truth Will Ultimately Hurt Kamala

As we come down to the final days of the 2024 election, Americans are revealing their true opinions of the Main Stream Media (MSM).

According to a new Gallup Poll “a record low 31% say they have a “great deal” or “fair amount” of confidence in the media to report the news “fully, accurately and fairly.” This damning indictment of the MSM shows how far the media has slipped with viewers because when the question was first asked in 1972, the trust ranged from 68% – 72%. Now, more than two-thirds distrust the media, similar to the number of Americans who believe the country is going in the wrong direction.

ABC has recently exacerbated this dilemma when they fact-checked only Republican Vice Presidential nominee US Senator J. D. Vance and did not utter a word when Democratic Vice Presidential candidate Minnesota Governor Tim Walz got his facts wrong in the Vice Presidential debate (and it was done to Trump too!).

To add insult to injury, CBS has now fallen all over itself to protect Democratic Presidential candidate Kamala Harris when they had to admit that they edited out her proverbial word salad answers to make her look better from a 60 Minutes interview. CBS then doubled-down by selectively editing comments from an interview with House Speaker Mike Johnson, who was smart enough to record his entire interview so he could prove what he really said.

Of course, the MSM has been doing this for years, which is why their credibility has hit rock bottom, and yet they continue to obfuscate and deceive Americans with biased propaganda on a daily basis, believing in their simple minds that they can pull the wool over the eyes of Americans.


The New York Times just reported that Vice President Harris’ book Smart on Crime had plagiarized sections in it (she got that from President Joe Biden!)  and had copied word for word from, wait for it, Wikipedia and the John Jay College of Criminal Justice (see proof here):  They claim in twisted logic that there were only “five sections” involving “about 500 words.” If the Times can justify plagiarism this easily and comfortably, then what does that say about the ethics of anyone copying parts of someone else’s work product and passing it along as their own? Who did the Times steal their motto, “All the news that’s fit to print” from? Just asking.

This lack of truth by the MSM is exactly what Americans recognized, and it was the impetus for the election of Donald Trump in 2016, because political correctness had gone amok to incomprehensibly stupid extremes.

Every day the MSM covers for the Harris-Walz campaign by not covering embarrassing moments in their campaign such as the “manly” pheasant hunting trip by Tim Walz when he could not even load his own shotgun and get off just one shot. Or when Harris does her latest word salad on the stars and “constellations.”

The Democrats are in this position because the MSM covered up and purposely did not demand that President Joe Biden engage in meaningful questions and answers except as he was walking to or from Marine One helicopter. They disinformed and misinformed – and Kamala was a part of the cabal that hid Biden’s ever-increasing debilitation – so that he could continue to sleep walk through his remaining days and get reelected. When the first Presidential debate exhibited the reality of Biden’s lack of mental acuity it became painfully obvious to all Americans except Jill and Hunter, that his desire to run for reelection was but a pipe dream.

Then Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Hakeem Jeffries were compelled to pull a bloodless coup on Biden to drop out by citing the 25th Amendment duty to replace a President who is incapable of performing the job, not for the good of the country, but so that they could continue to pull the levers of power.

Fast forward to Kamala accepting the Democratic nomination without any primary contests, without any proper vetting, without a single vote by anyone, and the Dem’s are stuck with a candidate that has taken Biden’s “basement strategy” to the extreme by avoiding tough interviews and serious policy explanations that allows here to try and dupe us on what she really believes.

Americans see this switch-a-roo for what it is, an attempt by the powers to be in the Democratic Party to retain their control over our country in cahoots and with the blessing of the MSM. 

Her campaign is in shambles. There is in-fighting between her campaign and the White House, her surrogates – Presidents Barrack Obama and Bill Clinton – are stepping all over their own feet trying to shame blacks into voting for a woman who many of them do not hold in high regard, or blaming President Trump for the killing of Laken Riley by an illegal alien in this country who had been deported once but made his way back in with the tacit support of the Harris-Biden administration.

Historians will look back on this shortened campaign by Harris as one of the most ill-advised and least thought-out attempts by any Vice President to become president. The fact that Harris is even negotiating with Bret Baier at Fox News and perhaps even Joe Rogan is a clear signal that her campaign is desperate to right the ship.

And the pandering by Harris of Blacks, her not surprising lack of support among rank-and-file union members at the Teamsters and the Fire Fighters (and probably most other unions except for the teacher’s union) is tangible proof that there was a reason that she had to drop out in the 2020 primaries without ever facing voters or earning a single vote. Thus, she has become the gold standard for the Peter Principle, in which people are promoted without reason to the point that their incompetence is laid bare for all to see. Thanks, Willie!

It is obvious that because of the tightness of the race, any little advantage or mistake by either candidate can sway the outcome. The difference though is that Americans know clearly what they are getting by reelecting Trump, whether they agree with his policies or personality or not, but they still do not truly know what Harris stands for or will do. 

After this election, I believe that the nail in the coffin was when Harris could not think of a single thing that she would do differently when she was interviewed on 60 Minutes and The View. The inescapable conclusion is that Harris, having had two bites of the apple to tell Americans why she represents change, is simply not prepared to be President on Day One and even worse, she has not thought at all about what has been done, right or wrong, over the last 4 years. She is a trophy Vice President – all looks and no substance.

Even with the unequivocal collaboration of the MSM they are not going to be able to drag Harris victoriously across the finish line. Had she been tested, had to answer the tough questions sans platitudes of “Joy” and “Happiness,” had she been challenged to strike out on another course different than Biden’s track, she may very well have trounced Trump because of his perceived personality quirks and the general loathing by so many infected with TDS. 

In the coming days things will get worse for the Harris campaign as they stumble and bumble on their way to November 5th. They are trying so hard to pander to different demographic groups, that they fail the ultimate test – demonstrating confidently that Harris is right for America for the next four years.


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