This week, U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., introduced what he described as a “pro-life bill to ensure biological fathers are equally involved in supporting a healthy pregnancy and delivery.”
Rubio offered the reasons for his “Supporting Healthy Pregnancy Act” which U.S. Rep. Ashley Hinson, R-Iowa, is championing in the U.S. House.
“Pro-life Americans must stand behind mothers, celebrating and providing for life at every stage. Families are the building blocks of society. Our communities should help mothers as they nurture and raise children, while also holding fathers accountable to stay involved in their child’s development.” said Rubio.
“We are facing a devastating fatherhood crisis in this country. Infant mortality rates are nearly two times higher for infants of single mothers and children who grow up without fathers are more likely to have behavioral and physical issues. Ensuring fathers are financially responsible for their child – both in the womb and once born – is an important step toward engaging fathers in family life so more children can grow up in happy and healthy homes and go on to be productive members of society,” said Hinson.
“Last year, nearly 1.5 million children were born to single mothers. Many of these mothers cover costly medical expenses throughout the course of pregnancy, without support from their child’s biological father,” Rubio’s office noted.
Rubio’s bill was sent to the U.S. Senate Finance Committee. So far, there are no co-sponsors.