U.S. Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar, R-Fla., is championing a bill “ to help educate students about the history and dangers of communism” which U.S. Sens. John Kennedy, R-La., and Rick Scott, R-Fla., are backing the U.S. Senate.
Earlier in the year, Kennedy brought out the “Crucial Communism Teaching Act” with Scott co-sponsoring it.
“Communism has led to the deaths of more than 100,000,000 victims worldwide, while more than 1,500,000,000 people currently suffer under communist rule. Still, a 2020 poll by the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation showed that more than one in four Millennials and nearly one in three members of Generation Z view communism favorably,” Scott’s office noted. “The Crucial Communism Teaching Act would make educational materials available through the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation to help teach high school students about the dangers of communism and totalitarianism. The bill would also require high schools to teach students the history of communism and how this ideology undermines America’s founding principles of freedom and democracy.”
The senators weighed in on why they were backing the proposal.
“Communism is a cancer, and it always produces the same results: oppression, suffering and death. We must teach the next generation of Americans the threat communism poses to liberty and justice for innocent people around the world,” said Kennedy.
“America is the beacon of freedom and democracy around the world—principles our nation was founded on. As the far left abandons those principles and pushes the failed policies of socialist and communist nations, our Crucial Communism Teaching Act will make educational materials available to schools that shine a light on the dangers of communism in our society. For many families, especially in my state of Florida, the United States has been a stark contrast to the communist rule that once stripped them of their freedom, liberty and basic human rights and dignity. We can’t let that happen in America,” said Scott.
The bill was sent to the U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee.
Salazar introduced the companion measure this week.
“Communism is one of the most destructive political ideologies the world has ever seen,” said Salazar. “The Crucial Communism Teaching Act is important because our youth must remember the crimes of the communists, including those inflicted upon my constituents and their families in Florida’s 27th District.”
More than two dozen House members are backing the proposal including U.S. Reps. Gus Bilirakis, R-Fla., Mario Diaz Balart, R-Fla., Scott Franklin, R-Fla., Carlos Gimenez, R-Fla., and Michael Waltz, R-Fla.
“Ronald Reagan was right, freedom is only one generation away from extinction. It’s not passed on to future generations— we’re responsible to teach our kids about the dangers of other systems of government that trade personal liberty for false promises of prosperity. I thank Rep. Salazar for her leadership on this issue,” said Franklin.
“I am proud to cosponsor this bill, which empowers the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation to develop a civic education curriculum and oral history resources for high school students to learn about malignant, dangerous ideologies that contradict the foundational principles of American democracy. In a world where freedom, democracy, human rights, and individual liberty are under assault, it is essential that our youth understand the historical context and deadly consequences of communism which has led to the death of more than 100 million people. By fostering this understanding, we equip our future leaders with the knowledge and wisdom necessary to safeguard the principles upon which America was founded. I remain unwavering in my commitment to remember the victims of communism and ensure that future generations are aware of its grim consequences for humankind over the last century. I look forward to a future where the lessons of history guide us toward a stronger democracy,” said Díaz-Balart.
The bill was sent to the U.S. House Education and the Workforce Committee.