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NEA Spends Millions on Liberal Causes Instead of its Members

An analysis from Americans for Fair Treatment (AFFT) finds the largest teachers union in the country spent more money on liberal causes than on its own members.

From 2020-2021, most of the spending by the National Education Association (NEA) went to political activities and lobbying instead of its members.

AFFT found the NEA spent a total of $374 million during the 2020-2021 fiscal year with little money going directly to its members.

“The National Education Association’s (NEA) political and charitable spending in 2020-2021 makes the NEA look more like a political organization than a membership organization,” noted the AFFT.

The analysis shows the NEA donating millions to liberal groups including $1 million contribution to Future Forward USA Action, left-wing super PAC.

The NEA also has its own super PAC in the NEA Advocacy Fund. The union gave $15.7 million to the super PAC between Sept. 1, 2020 and Aug. 31, 2021.

The NEA gave $1.85 million to the Strategic Victory Fund super PAC which gives money to Democratic candidates. The group also sent $6.7 million to the State Engagement Fund, known to be a part of the Democracy Alliance network that donates to left-wing causes and candidates.

The NEA also sent $513,000 to Catalist; $425,000 to Democracy Alliance, called “the country’s most powerful liberal donor club” by Politico; $325,000 to the Ballot Initiative Strategy Center; $260,300 to America Votes; $200,000 to Economic Policy Institute; $100,000 to Center for American Progress; $75,000 to State Innovation Exchange; $50,000 to ProgressNow Colorado; $30,000 to the American Constitution Society; and, $10,000 to Community Change Action.

With 3 million members, the NEA employs more than 500 people, 50 of whom received salaries of more than $200,000.The average salary was $134,000. NEA President Becky Pringle earned $431,317 and Executive Director Kimberly Anderson earned $406,951.

While union membership has been on the decline, the NEA continues to raise funds. AFFT noted that the union’s political spending increased over the prior year, from $51 million in 2020 to $66 million in 2021. The NEA collected $377 million in member dues with $200 members paying annually. That is $2 million more than the previous year.


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