Americans for Prosperity-Florida (AFP-FL) just released its 2024 Legislative Scorecard, highlighting the state’s elected officials who championed issues supported by the group in the economy, pensions, and energy.
AFP says the scorecard is an accountability tool for activists and the general public to learn how each Senator and Representative voted on key issues in the 2024 legislative session. The scorecard is meant to inform Floridians how their lawmakers have served their interests over the past year.
“Our scorecard is a useful tool for voters statewide, determining how well their elected officials represented them in office. It’s also a time for AFP-FL to highlight some incredible work accomplished by leaders who have stood for pro-growth and commonsense policies in the state legislature, continuing to make Florida a free and thriving state,” said AFP-FL Top issues for AFP this year:
Regulatory Freedom. AFP gave top grades to elected officials that helped kept government overreach to a minimum in Florida.
Affordable Housing has been a top concern in the state and AFP advocated for policies that bring speed and transparency to residential housing and construction in Florida. “Bills that were passed set clear deadlines for the initial and final permitting of construction and help ensure our market can speedily respond to the needs of Florida families,’ said AFP Florida state director, Skylar Zander.
Education. AFP has been at the forefront of education choice in the state for primary and secondary students. This year, they followed up on career and technical education opportunities for many new students and continued to support the opportunities for all Florida families through Universal Education Savings Accounts.
Spending Waste. The group praised certain members for supporting the government, picking winners and losers for public works projects in Florida.
Fiscal Responsibility. At the beginning of the year, AFP highlighted the problem that could occur with the state’s pension system. The group held firm in requiring appropriate financial studies and reports before considering many proposed bills, including, most importantly, stopping a rush to add a cost-of-living adjustment to FRS, which would have added over $2 billion yearly to the state budget.
AFP gave grades to elected Republicans and Democrats.
Out of the 85 elected Republicans in the Florida House and the 28 in the state Senate, only 36 out of 113 GOP members (around 32%) received an A grade or higher.
Only eight Democrats received a grade of a “C” or higher.