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medical marijuana


New Study Shows Florida Leads the Nation When it Comes to Interest in Medical Marijuana

Florida is the state with the highest interest in medical marijuana in America, a new study from Leafwell reveals.

The study “used Google search figures to reveal how frequently each state is searching for medical marijuana and related search terms,” which “were combined to find each state’s average monthly searches for medical marijuana-related terms per 100,000 people.”

Florida had the highest search levels for medical marijuana with 231 searches per 100,000 people. The most searched-for term in Florida was how to get a medical marijuana card.

Arkansas placed second, followed by Mississippi, Louisiana and South Dakota.

According to the study, Idaho had the least interest in medical marijuana.

Dr. Mitch Doucette, the director of research at Leafwell, weighed in on the findings this week.

“This data offers a fascinating insight into the growing interest in marijuana for medical use in America. Google Trends recorded a 110 percent increase in searches for medical cannabis cards in the last 30 days alone,” said Doucette.

“Marijuana has multiple medical applications, ranging from pain management and alleviating nausea to treating inflammatory conditions and sleep disorders,” he added. “Although recreational cannabis has been legalized in 23 states, it is crucial to ensure that the marijuana used for medical purposes is obtained under the guidance of a licensed physician and through reliable dispensaries. Obtaining a trustworthy medical marijuana card guarantees both safe and legal access to the therapeutic potential of cannabis.”


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