Removal of the Office of Lieutenant Governor
Legislators may put on the 2026 state ballot a constitutional amendment that would repeal the office of Lieutenant Governor here in the state of Florida.
Legislators are also looking to create the Commissioner of Government Efficiency as a cabinet position. This individual would have the authority to audit, investigate, and report on fraud, waste, and abuse exclusively within the executive branch of state government and within counties, municipalities, and special districts.
Florida Term Limits Expanded to Other Offices
State lawmakers will be taking up the issue of implementing term limits on County Commissioners and School Board Members. This too would be added as a constitutional amendment for next year. Voters would decide if an 8-year term limit is long enough. In 2022, the governor signed a law that limits school board members to 12 years. In 2023, lawmakers and the governor dropped that number to eight.
And voters would decide to limit lawmakers to eight years each in the Senate and the House and prevent them from going back and forth between legislative bodies.
No Ridiculous Bills
“This House means business,” says Florida House Speaker Daniel Perez. He has warned other legislators to focus on real issues and not ‘empty gestures.” The Speaker said this year he wants to see issues like cutting waste, insurance, housing, and education