Ron DeSantis Wants to Compensate Student-Athletes
Gov. Ron DeSantis supports proposals from state Rep. Chip LaMarca, R-Lighthouse Point, House Minority Leader Kionne McGhee, D-Miami, that would allow Florida’s college student-athletes to reap in the benefits from endorsement deals.
DeSantis said he will support legislation asking the NCAA to lighten up its rules prohibiting Florida’s college athletes from profiting through endorsement contracts. The governor insisted student-athletes should be able to benefit just like anyone else.
On Capitol Hill, U.S. Rep. Al Lawson, D-Fla., has increasingly called for more compensation for student-athletes.
U.S. Attorneys Might Not Prosecute Medical Marijuana Cases in Florida
After voters backed a state constitutional amendment, medical marijuana is legal in Florida even as the federal government continues to debate its status.
But Lawrence Keefe, the U.S. attorney of the Northern District of Florida. said he probably will not go after medical marijuana cases. Keefe told reporters that his team is not looking at expending resources going after something which was legalized by Florida voters.
Still, Keefe did draw a line in the sand. “In regard to marijuana that has not been declared legal and is not robustly regulated by the state of Florida, absolutely, we’re open for business,” he said.
Florida Counties and Cities Looking at Raising the Age to Buy Tobacco
More local governments across Florida are looking at raising the minimum age to buy tobacco products from 18 to 21. Alachua County just raised the minimum age of buying tobacco and vaping products from 18 to 21 and Jacksonville might be next.
Jacksonville City Councilman Ron Salem said he supports raising the age to 21 to purchase tobacco and vaping products. Salem, a pharmacist, says younger people are getting vaping products 18-year-olds who are still in high school. With the new proposal, Salem said hopes to help younger people by cutting down on their access to these products.
Reach Ed Dean at [email protected].