Pam Bondi Joins Trump’s Impeachment Team
Former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi will be joining President Donald Trump’s team as the White House has to deal with the possibility of impeachment.
Reports emerged that Bondi will be part of the administration’s efforts to help out on communications. Bondi said her role will also cover legal issues and special projects.
While she backed Trump in the Republican primaries, Bondi drew some fire from dismissing an investigation of Trump running a for-profit higher ed institution after receiving a campaign donation from him.
Central Florida County Declares Itself to Be a Second Amendment Sanctuary
Lake County commissioners say their county is now a “Second Amendment sanctuary.”
The commission approved a resolution that the federal government “cannot compel law enforcement officers of the states to enforce federal laws as it would increase the power of the federal government far beyond that which the Constitution intended.”
Gun control advocates shrugged off the measure, saying the move was meaningless. But Lake County Commissioner Josh Blake said several counties across the nation are passing similar resolutions. According to commissioners, Lake County is the first to do so in Florida.
Lake County Sheriff Peyton Grinnell said he’s on board with the resolution.
Florida Senator Wants to Protect Students Using Medical Marijuana
Hoping federal law won’t have much impact on Florida, state Sen. Bill Montford, D-Tallahassee, has proposed legislation to help school officials apply medical marijuana to students who are approved for it.
Montford said his bill will help officials administer policies for students who need to rely on medical marijuana when at school. Currently, a parent is required to come to school to give their child the medicine. Montford said parents don’t always have the time to leave work to do that.
Under Monfford‘s proposal, “county-designated caregiver” from the health department would apply the drug. Montford noted school superintendents are concerned about board policies that will conflict with federal laws.
Reach Ed Dean at [email protected].