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Opinion: Biden Will Be Replaced Ultimately Because More Exposure Will Only Confirm What Americans Already See

Calls for President Joe Biden to not run for reelection are going nowhere with Joe. He, Jill, convicted felon-Hunter, and the rest of the gang will not allow him to step back despite the mounting outcry for him to be replaced.

Biden, his family, and most of his “trusted” advisors are of the opinion that his poor debate performance was because of (a) a cold, (b) he had traveled to Europe for the Normandy celebration, thus suffering jet lag, (c) he did not have enough sleep, or (d) he was tired from all of the debate preparation.

Take your pick as the continuing list of excuses grows by the day to try and sell to the public that Sleepy Joe is okay and he knows “how to do the job.”

But the problem is that the American public has seen for themselves over the past three years – and the recent Presidential debate with President Trump – that Joe does not know how to do the job, and if he thinks he is doing a good job, then why do most Americans and Democrats rate his job performance so poorly, at just 36%! It is not that he is not likable; in fact, that and the charge that many people just do not like Trump is all that is keeping this race relatively close.

CNN, hardly a conservative media source, has shown since October 2023 that Trump has consistently led the president, now by 6%, matching polling from April 2023. Moreover, 75% of all registered voters believe that anyone else other than Biden would fare better against Trump.

This is why former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, a sitting Democratic Senator, a score of Representatives, notably Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmire among a few others, are calling for Biden to step aside for the good of the Party and the country.

The President’s age and cognitive abilities are questioned every day and the more that Biden gets out there, the more that happens to verify what most Americans think – he is not fit for the job.

The recent interview with former Clinton aide, now ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos did little to change the perception about his failing abilities because his rambling, long-winded, and sometimes incoherent commentary are making things worse.

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His press secretary KJP is bouncing off the walls to try and justify that the president is okay and willing to work, so long as it is between 10 am and 4 pm, and that he gets to sleep by 8 pm every night. This president has spent more days with a lazy schedule than any president before him, and if you add in the number of days he spends in Delaware at his home or the beach, this president has not been mentally challenged seriously since he left the basement in 2021.

Now Hollywood superstar George Clooney has written in an op-ed that the Joe he saw just three weeks ago is the same that Americans saw during the debate, and he has called for Crooked Joe to step down.

Biden will capitulate because it is inevitable. Big campaign donors will shut off the spigot when polling continues to show that he is not competitive. Other Democratic officeholders down the ballot are getting nervous, and that is even before they get to Chicago for their national convention, which promises to be a repeat of 1968.

Protests from Palestine-loving, Israel-hating Democrats will overcome law enforcement in the Windy City, which cannot even curtail daily homicides. Add on to that the greenies who believe that climate change can be altered, advocacy groups that want criminals to have more rights than victims, hanger-ons who want to soak the rich even more, communists/socialists that want to forever undo our private enterprise system for a monthly government paycheck, students who don’t want to have to pay back their student loans, and the Hollywood elites who want transgenderism to become the new norm – at any age, all of these groups are committed to making the convention an event to never forget.

This spells certain doom for the Democratic nominee, whether it is Biden or Kamala Harris, or anyone else.

The more that Jill speaks out, the more we all realize that she is more interested in her ego as First Lady than what is in the best interest of her Party or our country. She knows full well what his condition is and yet she fanatically tells him and everyone else that he is staying in the race. Poor Jill, as the Democratic “elites” that ensconced Joe in the Oval Office will now have to take him out, and how ironic is that?

Now, Jill is claiming that she is not the one keeping Joe in the race. Well, if that is true, then talk some sense into him because if you do not, the Democratic candidates will find a reason not to campaign with Joey.

The fact that Joe will not take a cognitive test, “no one asked me to,” is hogwash. Everyone is asking him to take the test, and he refuses because he knows what the outcome will be, and that would be the last nail in his coffin.

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The Democratic machine is saying that only Kamala can use the funds Biden has raised, but that is not entirely true. According to campaign experts, the money could be transferred to a Super PAC and then be used for another candidate other than Harris, but it would be convoluted and difficult.

OF course, the bigger problem for the Democrats is that jumping over Vice President Harris will destroy the unity of the Party. Their choices then are to let her replace Biden and still lose, because, trust me, there is no way that Harris will be competitive with Trump in the long run. Sure, she will get a bump in the polls because Democrats will rally around her, but can you imagine the plethora of incisive commercials that the GOP and Trump will run against her?

And if the Democrats do go over her head and pick someone else, then the party’s fracture will be permanent, as there will be no reason left for blacks and other minorities to remain with the party, except for abortion, and that issue is so far down the list of what Americans are worried about, it will not be a game-saver. Certainly, abortion will motivate some folks to go to the polls, but the enthusiasm gap is already apparent with young African American males, Hispanics, and young voters abandoning the Democrats because it has not delivered on the issues that matter most to them – the economy and jobs.

Meanwhile, polls document that most Americans, 51% to 41%, approve of Trump’s four-year job performance over Biden’s. On the top two issues that all voters care about – the economy and immigration – Trump wins easily. And almost 60% of Americans see Trump as “gets things done,” to 44% for Biden spells more trouble ahead as inflation, immigration, jobs, national security, and fighting crime will not get any better anytime soon.

As a former Democrat, I pity the Party because they have embraced such abnormal and ridiculous positions on a host of issues like CRT, 1619 Project, LGBTQ/Transgenderism, soft on criminals and to hell-with victims, allowing our country to be flooded with immigrants and terrorists that also bring fentanyl and diseases into our country, making inflation worse by continuing to pour unneeded money into the economy, trying to buy votes of young student voters by screwing those who paid their student debts and those who never went to college, pushing expensive electric vehicles with not enough range and even fewer charging stations, and all the while few Americans believe that they are truly better off from the sordid policies of the Biden administration than the elites and the Squad who will go down fighting to the end.

The “Big Boy” press conference today will be an unmitigated disaster since there will not be a teleprompter unless he severely limits the questions to fave reporters who will ask questions without a follow-up question. The back-up interview with NBC anchorman Lester Holt promises to be another example of Biden being questioned by a favorite journalist.

I only wish that the elites and the Squad would live the truth and leave our country like they promised if Trump is elected again. Then at least, we would have a chance for our country to regain what made America great to begin with – a population that believes in freedom of speech and the right for the government to let us all alone so we can enjoy the fruits of our labor,  thorough life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Barney Bishop III is a former executive director of the Florida Democratic Party and a former CEO of Associated Industries of Florida. He is the CEO of Barney Bishop Consulting LLC in Tallahassee, a strategic public relations firm and can be reached at

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