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Crime News

Poll Shows More Voters Trust Republicans Over Democrats to Handle Crime Issues

With less than six months until the 2024 Presidential Election, new poll data shows a majority of likely voters trust the Republican Party to address crime most effectively.

The latest Rasmussen poll results revealed that 53% of “Likely U.S. voters” trust Republicans more to handle crime and law enforcement issues, while 35% trust Democrats more, while 12% are not sure. This marks a net increase of six points in the GOP margin since February, when Republicans led Democrats by 12 points, 48% to 36%, on the crime issue.

By almost a 4-to-1 margin, more voters believe the problem of violent crime in America is getting worse (61%) than getting better (16%). Twenty percent (20%) see the crime problem as staying about the same.

Seventy-nine percent (79%) of voters say the issue of crime will be important in this year’s presidential election, including 45% who expect the crime issue to be Very Important in November.


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