The U.S. House remains up in the air with Democrats flipping some seats, even as Trump wins. Politics remains local even in a tsunami.
Harris very underperformed Biden in 2020. The days ahead will show her to have been a huge error. While narrow landslides are still landslides they portend nothing for the future. So many battleground states were incredibly close, even going Trump’s way. Harris being the wrong candidate had a lot to do with these lost states.
DC will remain conflicted and divided. Trump will get his nominees approved, which is good, but huge changes will be tough to obtain, especially if the House stays so close.
Hate to say it, but 2026 elections will be critical to the ultimate success of the next four years. -We may have seen the end of promises to narrow segments, cynically seeking to ‘buy’ an election. People are more aware of manipulation.
The public, at least a majority of them, can discern between real crimes and misdemeanors and Lawfare.
Legacy media is in the ICU. They did it to themselves. People smarter than I will have to determine if this is permanent or temporary. Reality is people now get their information as much, or more, from a small device held in their hands.
Radio, podcasts, YouTube, TikTok, and the like now take center stage in information dissemination. -Democrats took on issues, many of which are under the Woke classification, that failed to resonate enough.
At its core, the majority of voters are very traditional. In their hearts they are their father’s Oldsmobile, but combined with the desire for true optimism about the future, and an inner drive to go forward to where no man has gone before. Elon Musk embodies this and serves as a bright light shining upon tomorrow.
We can celebrate victories today but it needs to be a short celebration. There remains the work needed to be done.
No matter how loud the critics moan, if they fail to understand the American Vox Populi, the vitriol will continue and our progress as a nation will be hampered. It’s long past time for a focused effort to reduce the budget burdens we have placed upon ourselves, our children, and our grandchildren.
Radical positions never win enough votes. It’s the kitchen table discussions which continue to drive the fate of America.
Finally, if your favorites lost, figure out why. If your favorites won, hold them accountable. Our processes continue as our Founders hoped. We have a Republic and even as we stumble, we manage to keep it.