Labor unions are now joining businesses in criticizing the timing of COVID vaccine mandates.
With federal vaccine mandates already going into place, several labor unions that supported Joe Biden and Democrats in 2020, are calling on the White House to hold off on vaccine requirements for federal employees and contractors until 2022.
This includes the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) which represents more than 700,000 government workers. AFGE President Everett Kelly said the current deadline is causing distress among federal employees.
“The effect upon morale of federal employees being subject to possible discipline at this time of year cannot be overstated,” said Kelley.
Under the current plan from the White House, any federal employee could face suspension or be terminated for objecting to being vaccinated.
Public support for COVID vaccine mandates has gone down in recent months
A recent Fox News poll shows that 49 percent back Biden’s vaccine mandate for businesses with 100 employees or more. Back in September, that support stood at 56 percent.
A member of the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) told Florida Daily that it was strange and ironic to see businesses and labor agreeing on stalling the federal COVID vaccine mandates.
Most federal workers had until Nov. 22 to get the vaccine under the current policy. Federal contractors had until Dec. 8 but the White House has now delayed that deadline until Jan.4.
Legal commentator Ron Davis said the vaccine mandate will most likely go to the U.S. Supreme Court in the months to come.
Biden announced on Monday that the mandates on federal employees will be moved until after the holidays, a move which Kelley applauded.
“The administration has done the right thing by listening to federal workers, taking their concerns seriously, and giving those who haven’t yet gotten vaccinated some peace of mind this holiday season,” Kelley said on Monday. “Once again, President Biden has demonstrated his commitment to hearing from rank-and-file federal employees through their unions and responding to workers’ concerns.
“While we applaud the policy that defers suspensions and removals, we continue to encourage all our members who are able to obtain one of the FDA-approved anti-COVID vaccines as soon as they possibly can,” Kelley added.