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Progressive Democratic Governors Are Not Helping Their Cause by Drawing a Line in the Sand

Despite the blowout win by President-elect Donald Trump, leading progressive Democrats continue to ignore the message that voters were trying to send.

It’s easy to articulate: Stop the Woke crap, quit attempting to support illegal criminal aliens, forget about pushing electric vehicles and climate change until oil and natural gas drilling is going full bore, and quit the persecution of people who don’t agree with you, forgo the transgender mantra that includes mutilation and hormone treatment of underage young people, focus public schools on the basics and accept school choice as an alternative, restore our military prowess, and keep America out of unnecessary wars.

Since Election Day, Democrats, the mainstream media shills, and Hollywood elites have decided to fight back against Trump, but really the American voter and this campaign to thrust their repugnant and defeated perspective and views on us is an arrogant indifference to the 312 Electoral College votes that Trump received.

President Trump won all of the seven battleground states decisively, he got 40% of Californians and 32% of New Yorkers to vote for him, he improved his vote in every state but one in 2020, and yet some Democratic leaders believe that the vote must have been a mistake and that they must resist and fight.

This is stupid and if it persists it will doom the Democratic Party to minority status nationally.

Whether it is Kamala Harris, Governors Gavin Newsom, JB Pritzker, Gretchen Whitmer, Kathy Hochul, or someone else, except for Governor Josh Shapiro, these leaders are creating red lines in the sand and inviting the new administration to cross it.

What do Democrats not get about why they lost?

They lost for two simple reasons. First, they had the wrong message on every issue except for arguably abortion, and they had the wrong person as party nominee.

So, it would seem that the Democrats mentioned above believe that they can do a better job enunciating the Party’s message than Harris, and that is understandable given the word garbage that consistently spewed from her mouth throughout the administration and her campaign.

So, you raised over $1.5 billion dollars, you had Taylor Swift, George Clooney, Robert DeNiro, and Oprah on your side, where did that get you? It is not all about the candidate, although that is particularly important, it is about the message and whether that message is honest and resonating with the average voter. If you are always telling them that everything is all right, when almost three-quarters of Americans say that you are on the wrong path, then it is indeed the message, stupid.

Democrats up and down the line – and Liz Cheney – worry about political retribution from Trump and they express it ad nauseum it every day. They should because the Democrats are the ones who used the federal government’s institutions like the IRS, FBI, CIA, and other three-letter agencies to investigate, harass, and arrest Americans who did not toe their line on Woke ideology. When Democrats went overboard on lawfare, Americans knew intuitively that this was wrong, so much so that they began to fear for themselves if they would be next.

While Americans do not want more retribution from the Republican administration, who could blame them if they did go after the rampant and divisive ideologues who started this to begin with? Isn’t what is good for the goose, good for the gander?

Interestingly, it appears that for President Trump himself, despite his ruminations on the campaign trail about issuing punishment for Democrats who tried to manipulate the government against the governed solely for the purpose of staying in power, he wants to have “success.” The quicker that he gets the economy going, the borders closed, and the oil flowing, the better we will all be, and that is exactly why Americans voted him back into office.

Voters heard the scathing things he was called and the threats that Democrats said that Trump represented, but by and large, they did not buy the b.s. and so the election was not even close and though many of us expected a protracted election night, its final result arrived quickly and definitively.

America voted to not just “drain the swamp,” but to reconfigure the entire establishment and all that it represents. That means disruptors that are going to significantly alter the landscape and for most of us, it cannot start soon enough.

Elon Musk has noted that with the latest information technology there is no reason government should not be able to figure out who should and should not get government largess such as Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare. Vivek Ramaswamy wants to eliminate the Department of Education and use block grants to get the remaining federal dollars back to the states where it belongs to begin with. And they both want to force federal workers to go back to the office just like the rest of America has for years now. There will be no sympathy for those who hold out and the workforce will be smaller, and they will really be working.

Americans are not only voting in the booth, but they are also voting with their feet as people flee tax-heavy, regulation-worthy states such as California, Illinois, and New York. It is not just the cold winters, it is the cold-hearted bureaucrats that run these states into the ground with high taxes, insolvent pension funds, and unneeded regulations that raise the price of everything from food and gas to utilities and  housing.

Hopefully, these Democrats, who speak to a large voter plurality but with diminishing influence except within their own state, will continue to make pronouncements that Americans perceive as being tone-deaf.

We are sick of the fighting along ideological lines, we just want to get back to when we each could disagree with a friend, relative, or fellow worker albeit with a civil demeanor, and go on.

Fighting for fighting’s sake is not cool – and it will not win elections.

Innovative ideas are the coin of the realm, and any future Democratic success will happen only by those willing to think outside of the box and develop a new view that is no longer based on divisive or racial politics, pronouns, or Wokeness. The Democrat that accomplishes this will have the best hope of winning.


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