At a Commission Conference this week, the Florida Public Service Commission (PSC) approved Florida Public Utilities Company’s (FPUC) new Gas Utility Access and Replacement Directive (GUARD) program to enhance the safety and accessibility of FPUC’s natural gas distribution system.
FPUC’s GUARD program will continue the progress of its Gas Reliability and Infrastructure Program (GRIP) approved by the Commission in 2012 and now almost complete. GRIP accelerated the replacement of cast iron and bare steel distribution mains and services subject to corrosion, improving the safety of FPUC’s natural gas infrastructure, funded by a surcharge on customers’ bills.
“Florida’s natural gas distribution system safety and reliability is a top PSC priority,” said PSC Chairman Andrew Fay. “Over the past decade, Florida’s utilities have replaced hundreds of miles of aging natural gas infrastructure. FPUC’s GUARD program will extend the utility’s ongoing pipeline safety projects.”
Over the next 10 years, GUARD will replace problematic pipes and facilities and relocate distribution mains and services to further enhance the safety and reliability of FPUC’s gas distribution system. The program term allows FPUC to save on construction-related costs and avoid future increased costs.
The GUARD program will begin in January 2024 with projected costs totaling $205 million. FPUC is expected to file a petition in September 2023 to establish the initial customer surcharge, effective in January 2024. The surcharge will be adjusted annually based on current project costs. Through these filings, the Commission will ensure that projected expenses are reasonable and only actual costs are recovered.