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Rick Scott Issues Weekly Update on ‘Biden’s Inflation Crisis’

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Earlier today, Florida junior US Senator Rick Scott released a weekly update on his actions to address America’s debt crisis and rising inflation. Below is an a statement from Scott’s official press release:

“Bidenomics” has caused the price of groceries, rent, fuel and electricity to skyrocket for American families. President Biden’s handling of the economy has been a failure since day one, and inflation is out of control with CPI up 20.1% and PPI up 19.2%.

Senator Scott has been sharing weekly handouts with his colleagues and office visitors to provide a snapshot of the economy. This week, Senator Scott’s “Breaking Down Bidenomics” handout focused on unaffordable housing, household debt, credit card delinquency and the overall sentiment of renters losing hope, all thanks to the Bidenomics agenda. See Senator Rick Scott’s handout ‘Breaking Down Bidenomics’ where he highlights staggering information regarding the economy below:

Since being elected to the U.S. Senate, Senator Scott has repeatedly urged action to address America’s debt crisis and the harmful effects of inflation. Click HERE for a comprehensive list of his statements and actions on this urgent issue and HERE for Senator Scott’s Quarterly Economic Snapshot.  

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