This week, U.S. Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., looked ahead to the next two years as he readies to run for a second term in 2024.
Scott started what he is dubbing the “Make Washington Work Tour” in Doral this week “to highlight what he is fighting for in the U.S. Senate for Florida families and previewed his legislative priorities for the 118th Congress.” The senator plans to tour the state in the coming weeks as he takes aim at the “dysfunctional status quo that’s led to $31 trillion n federal debt and soaring inflation, and make sure every family has the opportunity to live in a safe community, get a quality education and live the American dream.”
Other part of Scott’s agenda include “securing the border and ending the deadly fentanyl crisis; standing up for human rights and democracy around the world; ending the D.C. dysfunction and holding government accountable to American taxpayers; growing the economy by reducing debt, promoting business growth and cutting taxes; and supporting America’s military heroes, veterans and their families by honoring and serving those who have served to protect our freedoms.”
Scott offered a preview of that agenda as he kicked off his tour in Doral.
“It was great to be in South Florida today with so many great Florida leaders to talk about our fight to ‘Make Washington Work’ for Florida families. While we’ve secured some big wins for the Sunshine State during my first four years in the United States Senate, our work is far from over. Washington is more broken and dysfunctional than ever, and folks up in DC seem to have forgotten that the government is supposed to work for you. So, these next two years, I’ll be fighting even harder to make Washington work for all Floridians by ending the dysfunctional status quo, stopping the runaway reckless spending that’s fueling President Biden’s inflation crisis, making sure we secure the border and enforce our laws, and getting back to the basics of making sure every family has the opportunity to live in a safe community, send their child to a great school and get a great job so they can live their dreams. Floridians are tired of Washington’s waste and dysfunction, but together we can make Congress play by Florida’s rules and finally make Washington work for the Sunshine State.”
Scott is planning to unveil his agenda over the next two weeks.
Also this week, Scott released a new TV ad in which he calls on conservatives and Republicans to stand up to the left.
“I knew it would be difficult to run against Mitch McConnell. But Republicans need leaders in Washington who are tough, speak the truth, and aren’t afraid to fight back against Biden’s agenda. America will be a woke, socialist country in no time if Republican leaders in Washington keep caving to Joe Biden. It’s time to change our party and rescue America from the socialist road we’re headed down,” Scott said.