Governor Ron DeSantis signed the following bills:
CS/HB 775 – Surrendered Infants: Florida’s “Safe Haven Law” allows parents who are either unwilling or unable to care for their newborn infants — up to 7 days old — to surrender them at hospitals, fire stations and EMS stations. HB 775 raised the age limit from 7 days old to 30 days old.
CS/HB 855 – Dental Services: Requires dentists & certain partnerships, or corporations to designate with board dentist of record & provide information to certain patients; requires any individual, partnership, or corporation that provides dental services through telehealth to make available specified information; defines term “advertisement”; requires advertisements of dental services provided through telehealth to include specified disclaimer; provides requirements for initial examination for orthodontic appliances; defines “in-person examination.”
CS/CS/HB 1049 – Flood Disclosure in the Sale of Real Property – Requires seller of residential real property to provide specified information to a prospective purchaser; specifies how such information must be disclosed.
CS/HB 1093 – Florida Uniform Fiduciary Income and Principal Act – Revises provisions of Florida Uniform Principal & Income Act governing trusts, estates, life estates, & other term interests.
CS/HB 1161 – Verification of Eligibility for Homestead Exemption – The bill requires the Department of Revenue to create a form that a property appraiser may use to provide a person with tentative verification of that person’s eligibility to receive an ad valorem property tax exemption related to the applicant’s status as a disabled veteran after the purchase of homestead property. The person must submit forms, documentation, and other necessary proof of qualification for the exemption or discount.
The bill provides that decisions by property appraisers whether to consider a request for the tentative verification or regarding a person’s eligibility are not subject to administrative or judicial review under ch. 194, F.S. Currently, this is a service which is not required but may be undertaken by local property appraisers at their own discretion.
CS/CS/SB 808 – Treatment by a Medical Specialist – The bill amends s. 112.18, F.S., to authorize firefighters, law enforcement officers, correctional officers, and correctional probation officers to receive medical treatment for a compensable presumptive condition by his or her selected medical specialist. Under the bill, compensable presumptive conditions include tuberculosis, heart disease, or hypertension.
CS/CS/CS/SB 812 – Expedited Approval of Residential Building Permits – Requiring certain governing bodies, by a date certain, to each create a program to expedite the process for issuing residential building permits before a final plat is recorded; requiring a governing body to create certain processes for purposes of the program; authorizing a governing body to issue addresses and temporary parcel identification numbers for specified purposes; prohibiting a governing body from making substantive changes to a preliminary plat without written consent, etc.
CS/SB 1142 – Occupational Licensing – Extends the date on which certain local government occupational licensing requirements expire; extending the date by which the Construction Industry Licensing Board within the Department of Business and Professional Regulation is required to establish by rule specified certified specialty contractor categories for voluntary licensure; requiring the board to issue registrations to eligible persons under certain circumstances; providing that the board is responsible for disciplining such licensees, etc.
SB 938 – Dentistry – Dentistry; Deletes the role of the Board of Dentistry in the administration of the licensure examination for dentists; deleting the requirement for the board to establish an examination fee; revising requirements for licensure as a dentist; deleting a time limitation on the validity of certain licensure examination results; deleting a board-imposed reexamination fee, etc.