Fox News talk show host Sean Hannity is leaving his home state of New York for Florida. Hannity’s move reflects a trend among his fellow native New Yorkers. According to USA Today, the largest share of people leaving New York in 2022 left for Florida (91,201).
Hannity revealed to listeners of his iHeartRadio talk show that he was broadcasting live from his new studio in Florida, where he has taken full-time residence.
Hannity opened Tuesday’s show with the “breaking news,” saying:
“If anybody is listening to this program for any length of time, been threatening now to do this for quite a while. But we are now beginning our first broadcast of my new home, and that is in the free state of Florida. I am out. I am done. I’m finished. New York, New York. Goodbye. Florida. Florida. If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere. But it’s great to be here. And I will tell you, one of the things that I was told either before, Linda, but feeling good tonight, by the way, and I’m that because she entertains everybody. I bet she was entertaining every day working or not working. And no, she worked a number of days. But and she’s such a good entertainer and such a great host is that anyone would want her back as soon as we can. I was told even before this that it just it just the time was right. I was able to put the final exclamation points on what needed to be done. And here I am.
And finally, for the first time that I can think of in my adult life, I actually have representatives in in the state that I’m living in that share my values. I have a governor by the name of Ron DeSantis and Senators Marco Rubio and Senator Rick Scott. So I’m feeling a lot better about it, and I’m not going to go through the whys. The how comes because it’s obvious this migration out of the blue states with high taxes, burdensome regulation, high crime, horrible school districts is real. And if anything, I’m probably late and behind the curve and and many others have made the move beforehand.”