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Oil Rig Drilling Platform in mediterranean sea Oil Rig Drilling Platform in mediterranean sea

Florida News

...orders can be reversed. That’s why Congress must vote to fully protect Florida’s economy and environment – we overwhelmingly passed this bill last Congress,...

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Florida News

...environmental goals, energy policies must not overlook the economic hardships they impose on vulnerable communities. Policies need to strike a balance, ensuring that the...

Florida News

...makes it clear that Gopher Resource placed its employees at extreme risk and fostered not only a physically toxic work environment, but an emotionally...

Florida Government & Politics

...of the event on the population, and to identify the role of environmental parameters in the event. The West Indian Manatee is one of...

Florida Government & Politics

...traditional natural gas. The potential and opportunities RNG can offer Florida on the agricultural, energy and environmental fronts are limited only by the creativity...

Florida Government & Politics

...members: Chief Resilience Officer of the Dept. of Environmental Protection (Chair) Chief Science Officer of the Dept. of Environmental Protection (Vice Chair) One member...

Florida Government & Politics

...commitment to land conservation,” said Department of Environmental Protection Sec. Shawn Hamilton. “These acquisitions help protect natural lands, provide linkages with other public lands,...

Florida News

...billion in agricultural exports and the EU is about to pay farmers over $1 billion to not to farm. The reasoning is that it’s...

Florida News

...vehicles, and sustainable aviation fuels and investments in cleaning up the nation’s ports, which often are a source of air pollution in environmental justice...

Florida News

...of environmental leaders including Blue-Green Algae Task Force. DeSantis developed the task force as part of Executive Order 19-12, reforming Florida’s environmental and water...

Education News

...also provides an increase of $18.9 million for Florida’s Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Environment The budget continues Governor DeSantis’ record investments in Florida’s...

Florida News

...ownership rights to investors for whom environmental stewardship is not an important consideration. The success Engine No. 1 achieved in its 2021 ExxonMobil (XOM)...

Florida Government & Politics

...combat harmful algal blooms, remove legacy nutrients from Lake Okeechobee and more. Taken together, this bill is a massive win for the environment, public...

Florida Government & Politics

This week, Gov. Ron DeSantis launched Florida’s first Statewide Flooding Resilience Plan. DeSantis paired up with Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Sec. Shawn...

Business / Economy News

...other people’s delusions to profit from them. They can make money out of the beliefs of others, however ill-founded – and Wall Street’s embrace...

Florida Government & Politics

This week, Gov. Ron DeSantis was joined by Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Sec. Shawn Hamilton and Chief Science Officer Dr. Mark Rains...

Florida News

...of environmental nonprofits, including Environment Florida, the National Wildlife Federation, the Marine Conservation Institute, and the National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA) and Audubon Florida,...

USS Bonhomme Richard 525x420 USS Bonhomme Richard 525x420

Florida Government & Politics artificial reef, it could become an environmental and economic benefit to the local community and state.” U.S. Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar, R-Fla., and...

Florida News informed and understand children thrive in differing environments. Parents must lead the effort to know what options are available when deciding which educational...

algae bloom algae bloom

Florida News

...“Commerce, Justice, Science, Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, Interior, Environment, Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Act”...

Florida News

...D-Minn., brought out the “Local Water Protection Act” which “would reauthorize the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Section 319 grant program that provides funding opportunities...

Ron Desantis Ron Desantis

Florida Government & Politics

...of Environmental Protection (DEP) issued the required permit for the project. The project is a component of the larger Central Everglades Planning Project (CEPP),...

Florida Government & Politics

...vital to the environment and way of life for Southwest Florida,” said Florida Department of Environmental Protection Secretary Shawn Hamilton. “With funding from the Governor...

Florida News

...oil and gas exports. Yet there are Americans working hard to ban or restrict hydraulic fracturing. Environmentalist groups succeeded in getting hydraulic fracturing banned...

Florida Government & Politics

On Wednesday, Gov. Ron DeSantis announced the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has reached an agreement with Kanter Real Estate LLC., that will...

Florida News

...Florida Keys Water Quality Improvement Program to fund vital environmental infrastructure projects in the Florida Keys,” said Seth Lawless, the city manager of Islamorada....

Florida Government & Politics

...prioritize investments in our environment,” Scott said. “As governor, I invested record funding in Florida’s environment and restoring the Everglades. I look forward to...

Florida Government & Politics

...a vote as quickly as possible. The legislation includes the Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA) Storage Reservoir project, which, Rubio’s office insisted, “would help to...

Florida Government & Politics

...dedicated research efforts through the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) and Mote Marine Laboratory in addition to providing grants through the Department...

Business / Economy News

...4-6 in Hollywood, Florida, arrives as the finance industry navigates significant changes, including the second Trump administration and a new regulatory environment. Organizers have...

Crime News

...During my time as Governor, we have eliminated nearly 5,400 burdensome regulations.   BETTER PROTECTIONS FOR FLORIDA’S ENVIRONMENT Since 2011, Florida’s annual investments to...

Florida Government & Politics

After signing an executive order “implementing major reforms to ensure the protection of Florida’s environment and water quality” earlier in the day, on Thursday,...