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Florida Government & Politics

Some Bills Florida Lawmakers See As A Top Priority in The 2024 Legislative Session

Over 1,000 bills have been filed for the 2024 Florida legislative session.

Here’s a list of bill proposals.

Term Limits for Congress.

This would set a limit on the number of terms a person can serve as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives and limit the number of terms a person may be elected as a member of the U.S. Senate.

Term Limits for County commissioners.

This would limit the number of terms county commissioners can serve. The bills would prohibit incumbent members who have held the office for the preceding eight years from appearing on a ballot for reelection to that office.

Display of flags by governmental entities

This proposal would bar government buildings, including public schools and universities, from erecting or displaying certain flags and requiring those entities to remain neutral in certain circumstances.

Pride flag ban proposed: This bill would ban any Pride flags from being flown on government property.

The curfew of minors and their employment

The proposal would revamp restrictions at the workplace on the number of hours 16- and 17-year-olds could work. It also would revise certain age-related employment restrictions

American flamingo

Replace the mockingbird and designate the American flamingo as the official state bird.

Interstate safety

Summary: HB 317 and SB 258 are identical bills that would bar Florida drivers from cruising in the left lane on highways with at least two lanes in the same direction and maximum speed limits of 65 mph or higher.

Electric and hybrid vehicle license fees

This legislation would mandate that owners of electric-vehicles will have to pay $200 in registration fees that will be used to offset anticipated losses in gas-tax dollars. The bill would also require plug-in hybrid vehicle owners and electric motorcycles pay annual fees of $50 and $25.

Gender identity employment practices

This bill prohibits government employees or contractors from being required to use their colleagues’ preferred pronouns.

Prohibition of smoking in state parks

Caught smoking and vaping in state parks, violators would face $100 fines for their first offenses.

Protection of historical monuments and memorials

This would ban the removal of “historical monuments and memorials” and encourages anyone attempting to remove them to be punished.

Discharging a firearm in residential areas

This bans gun owners from shooting their firearms if the discharge does not remain within the boundaries of the property in which it takes place.

Traffic infraction detectors

This deals with red light cameras, preventing state and local governments from using them.


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