Over the last several months, polls have shown that most Republicans believe the 2020 election was stolen from former President Donald Trump.
However, in states like Arizona and Georgia that have conducted election audits, the outcome shows President Joe Biden still won.
But as Trump travels throughout the country and speaks to his base, he always includes in his comments about the election was rigged and stolen from him.
As the focus now moves to the 2022 election cycle and even the 2024 presidential election, some conservatives inside the GOP would rather see Trump and Republicans focus on Biden and his struggles instead of the 2020 election results.
Newsmax host and former Trump White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer was asked by Mediaite.com about the claim Trump makes that he didn’t lose the 2020 election and various conspiracy theories.
“I think it’s very concerning,” Spicer said.
In the interview, Spicer pointed out in the Georgia special election where Republicans lost two U.S. Senate seats, voters were told the election was rigged and many decided not to show up at the polls, which helped Democrats win both seats.
In an editorial released at the end of last month, the editors of conservative publication National Review ripped into Trump and supporters of the continuous audit in states like Arizona where the results continue to show Biden won.
“From the very beginning, the insistence that the 2020 election was ‘stolen’ has been based not upon a series of falsifiable contentions, but upon the self-sustaining premise that Donald Trump must have won because Donald Trump cannot possibly have lost, once again, an investigation into the claim that the 2020 presidential election was ‘stolen’ has revealed nothing that changes the outcome,” the editors of National Review wrote.
National Review called on Trump and the GOP to stop relitigating 2020 and, instead, focus on Biden and his policies as the administration continues to struggle.
“It seems clearer than ever that the GOP has a choice to make. It can look to the future, outline an attractive political vision, and get ready to capitalize on the unfurling disaster that is the Biden presidency,” National Review insisted.