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Education News in Florida

Stephanie Murphy Secures Funds to Help Seminole State College Train First Responders, Health Professionals

Last week, retiring U.S. Rep. Stephanie Murphy, D-Fla., joined Seminole State College President Dr. Georgia L. Lorenz at a ceremony during which the congresswoman presented the college’s Center for Public Safety with $475,000 in new federal funding that she secured.

The funds will be used by the college to purchase state-of-the-art equipment for students training to become first responders and health care professionals. Murphy secured this funding as part of the recently-passed Consolidated Appropriations Act.

Murphy said the following at the event:

Good morning everybody.

I’m so pleased to be here to present Seminole State College with $475,000 dollars in federal funding, so they can purchase state-of the-art equipment and computer software, and use it to train students who will become Central Florida’s next generation of first responders and health care professionals.

I’m incredibly proud we’re making this much-needed investment in the college and in our community.

I want to thank Seminole State and its president, Doctor Georgia Lorenz, for partnering with my office to make today a reality.

I also want to thank all of the faculty here at the college, who work day in and day out to educate their students, to enrich their minds, and to prepare them for success in the workforce.

This week is National Teacher Appreciation Week—and we can never thank our teachers enough—whether they work in our K through 12 schools or at our colleges and universities.

Before I was elected to Congress, I was an instructor at nearby Rollins College. I know from that experience what a challenging yet fulfilling career teaching is.

For our young people, there’s nothing more important than a good education—especially one where students learn important practical skills they can use to help others and to better the world around them.

In Congress, I’ve worked hard to support the terrific colleges and universities in our area so they, in turn, can provide a terrific education to their students—and, in so doing, build a brighter future for our community and our country.

The specific funding we are gathered to announce and to celebrate today is going to be used for a great cause.

The money will be used to buy the best equipment and software to provide realistic instruction to students enrolled in the Emergency Medical Services program and the Respiratory Care program within the School of Public Safety.

That way, students can acquire the skills they need to make a seamless transition to the workforce.

These are purpose-driven people who will go on save lives in our community, working as first responders and paramedics and respiratory therapists—helping their fellow citizens at their most vulnerable moments.

These are noble and honorable professions. They are also positions for which we have a real shortage of qualified workers. And that poses a threat to public safety and health.

In short, the funding we’ve secured is about individual and community empowerment. It will empower Seminole State to provide students with vital skills and training. Those students will then be empowered to get good-paying jobs that make Central Florida safer and stronger.

Let me be clear. My efforts to help Seminole State and its student body do not end today. I’m excited to announce that, just a few days ago, I submitted a request for $400,000 in federal funding to enable Seminole State to buy equipment to enhance their firefighter training program.

This is another noble profession—and I’m determined to do my part to ensure young men and women striving to become firefighters have the best equipment on which to train.

Thank you again for coming.


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