A new study reveals that Elf is Florida’s most Googled Christmas movie.
Pennsylvania gambling experts PlayPennsylvania.com used Google Keyword Planner to analyze the search volume data for each U.S. state between November 2023 and November 2024 for 93 popular Christmas movies. An average monthly search volume was calculated for each movie to rank each state’s most Googled Christmas movies.
The five most Googled Christmas movies in Florida
Starring Will Ferrell, Elf from 2003 is Florida’s most Googled Christmas movie, with 17,348 monthly searches on average.
Dating back to 1946, It’s a Wonderful Life is in second place, with 11,548 Google searches on average per month across the state.
National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation from 1989 ranks third, with 11,288 monthly searches on average.
The Nightmare Before Christmas from 1993 places fourth, with 9,440 searches per month on average.
From the same year, Bad Santa is in fifth place, with an average of 8,171 Google searches across the state every month.
Tristan Kay, Head of Casino at PlayPennsylvania.com has commented:
“Analyzing the Google search volume of Christmas movies gives a unique insight into their popularity across Florida all year round.”
“With this list featuring movies dating as far back as 1946, it is clear that the holiday season is all about enjoying the classics.”
Source: Google Keyword Planner
1. A list of 93 popular Christmas movies was created.
2. Google Keyword Planner was used to retrieve the search volume data for each movie on a state level for the past 12 months. Searches for titles with multiple meanings were excluded from the analysis.
3. A monthly average search volume for each movie was calculated.