Pro-life groups are warning Florida voters that advocates of the Pro-Abortion Amendment 4 on this year’s state ballot aren’t being truthful about their proposal.
In their latest press release, Vote No On 4 says the abortion community is promoting minors to circumvent Florida’s laws where they can have an abortion without parental consent.
The group points to the official Yes on 4 campaign website which includes a link, under “Information and resources,” that directs to the website of another pro-abortion group supporting Amendment 4.
They also say the links connect minors with activist groups and lawyers to help them get an abortion “without your parent’s involvement.” The website advertises, which links to a page titled: “Get an abortion without a parent involved.”
Florida law requires that a parent must give consent if a minor wants an abortion. Some legal analysts have said Amendment 4 would remove that protection and take away rules that protect children and parental rights.
A Vote No On 4 member explained to Florida Daily how the pro-abortion website was navigating people through the process. It urges minors to talk to a “chatbot” – not a doctor or a trusted family member – for help getting an abortion. The anonymous chatbot does not ask, or verify, the user’s age.
“By interacting with this chatbot for just a few minutes, a minor can receive dubious and even dangerous advice on abortion,” said a representative for Vote No on 4.”The chatbot falsely claims that “abortion is medically safe no matter how far along someone is in their pregnancy,” advises minors to travel to Puerto Rico for abortions, offers ‘websites to find [abortion] pills right now’ without asking basic screening questions, and even asserts that it is ‘safe to have your abortion at home…even if you have not seen a doctor or nurse first.’ If a minor tells the chatbot that she has taken an abortion pill and is having serious medical symptoms like heavy bleeding, dizziness, or fainting, the chatbot advises her ‘You do not have to tell a doctor’ about taking abortion pills. The extremists who crafted Amendment 4 intentionally used deceptive and vague language to mislead Floridians about the real impacts of the amendment. Voters deserve the truth: Amendment 4 would remove parental consent, allow people who are not licensed doctors to approve and perform abortions, and turn our state into a destination for late-term elective abortion.”