From his seat on the U.S. House Agriculture Committee, U.S. Rep. Ted Yoho, R-Fla., wrote U.S. Agriculture Sec. Sonny Perdue asking for a Class 1 price floor be set for fluid milk.
Yoho, who worked as a large animal veteran for more than 30 years in North Central Florida before being elected to Congress in 2012, explained why he sent the letter to Perdue.
“As USDA responds to the needs of producers across the country during the coronavirus pandemic, I ask that the USDA take action to assist our dairy producers during this time,” Yoho said on Thursday. “Specifically, I urge the USDA to convene an emergency hearing to set a temporary Class 1 price floor for fluid milk for the period of June through August.
“Dairy farmers across the state of Florida, and across the country, are in a precarious situation due to the coronavirus pandemic. On top of existing issues facing the industry, dairy farmers are now experiencing supply chain disruptions and have lost markets for their product. You cannot toggle milk production in dairy cows, leaving farmers no other choice but to milk their cows and dump the milk,” Yoho added.
“I believe that using the average price for March through May to set the price floor, as some industry leaders have suggested, would be appropriate in this situation. A temporary price floor would be a way to support our dairy farmers during this time using authorities already permitted under law,” he said in conclusion.
Fulfilling a campaign pledge he made in 2012, Yoho is not running for a fifth term this year.
Reach Kevin Derby at [email protected].