Florida’s Disaster Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday begins this Saturday, June 1st, and continues through June 14th.
The state will not require tax on certain retail items affiliated with disaster preparedness.
Sale price of $20 or less:
• Reusable ice including ice packs.
Sale price of $40 or less:
Any portable, self-powered light source* (powered by battery, solar, hand-crank, or gas):
• Candles, • Flashlights, • Lanterns
Sale price of $50 or less:
• Batteries, including rechargeable batteries, listed sizes only (excluding automobile and boat batteries). Any gas or diesel fuel container, including LP gas and kerosene containers. AAA-cell, AA-cell and C-cell. D-cell, 6 and 9 volts. Portable Radios and those that are powered by battery, solar, or hand-crank. Two-way and Weather band.
Sale price of $50 or less:
• Any gas or diesel fuel container, including LP gas and kerosene containers Batteries, including rechargeable batteries, listed sizes only (excluding automobile and boat
Sale price of $60 or less:
• Coolers and ice chests, food storage; nonelectrical). Portable power banks.
Sale price of $70 or less:
• Carbon monoxide detectors. Fire extinguishers. Smoke detectors or smoke alarms.
Sale price of $100 or less:
• Bungee cords, ground anchor systems. Ratchet straps, Tarpaulins (tarps), Tie-down kits. Visqueen, plastic sheeting, plastic drop cloths and other flexible waterproof sheeting
Sale price of $3,000 or less:
• Portable generators used to provide light or communications, or to preserve food.
Items not eligible for the sales tax holiday are sales within a theme park, entertainment complex, public lodging establishment, or airport.