The researchers at Holafly, a company that provides “eSIM” (embedded SIM) cards for international travel, identified which U.S. tourist attractions have the slowest mobile internet speeds. so you can plan ahead for your trip.
The company cross-referenced the ZIP codes of over 290,000 tourist attractions with the mobile download speed data by ZIP code from Then they calculated the average download speed across the top three service providers for each ZIP code and ranked the attractions with the worst average mobile download speed overall, by state and by attraction type.
Key Findings
Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming is the U.S. tourist attraction with the worst mobile internet, with an average download speed of 1.7 MB/s.
At Silver Dollar City in Missouri, the average internet speed is 17.6 MB/s — the slowest of any U.S. theme park.
Tulsa Zoo in Oklahoma has an average download speed of just 79.7 MB/s.
The reason for the slowness at Yellowstone National Park is the area is protected from the erection of imposing cell towers. As a vast undeveloped area interspersed with mountains and forests, the park’s natural features break up signals from those cell towers that do exist.
Tourist Attractions With the Worst Mobile Internet Speed In Florida.
Florida’s Sanibel Island Lighthouse may be a beacon of light and hope for sailors of the Gulf Coast, but with average mobile internet speeds of 32.6 MB/s, it is no beacon of connectivity. Sanibel was majorly impacted by Hurricane Ian in 2022, with the lighthouse severely damaged and put out of service by flying debris. During the storm, the fiber cable connecting the mainland to Sanibel Island was severed, cutting off web communication with the island. At the same time, towers used for mobile data were also knocked offline.
Silver Dollar City is the theme park with the worst connectivity. One would think America’s theme parks would have high connectivity levels. But many only have speeds in the double figures.
West Virginia Penitentiary was among the worst historic landmarks for cell data
New Mexico Geological Wonder has the slowest data among nature spots.